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We are unionizing at PetSmart!

We’re a group of PetSmart associates, trainers, groomers, and more who are coming together and forming unions across the country. 


We work hard to keep our stores running, and we don’t feel like we have the resources and working conditions we need to succeed. We deserve respect and fair treatment for everything we contribute to PetSmart. That’s why we’re coming together for better pay, better hours, and better working conditions with a union contract! 


Right now there’s unprecedented interest in starting a union at PetSmart, with hundreds of us across the country already working to get the ball rolling. If you’re interested in helping us get this movement off the ground - it’s the perfect time for you to jump in! 


Fill out the form below to reach out to a UFCW organizer and learn about the process of starting a union at your PetSmart store.

What We’re Unionizing For:

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Better Pay 


Right now, our wages aren’t enough to keep up with inflation and the cost of living. Annual raises are meager, and we’re not being compensated fairly for all of our hard work. We’re unionizing to get better wages written into a contract - helping us chart a brighter future for ourselves and our families.

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Better Hours


Many of our stores are regularly understaffed, and our schedules prevent us from living balanced lives. By starting a union, we can get stable scheduling and staffing practices secured in writing! We can ensure our stores are the productive and steady environments we need them to be. 

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Better Working Conditions


Across the country, we should be able to do our jobs with steady access to working equipment. In many stores, broken equipment prevents us from doing our best work, and could threaten the safety of the pets we work hard to care for. 


With a union contract, we can negotiate over the tools and resources we need to keep things running smoothly across our stores.


Respect for our Hard Work​


PetSmart recently tried to scale back employee discounts and reduce our trainer commision, but they reversed course once we pushed back and told them we wouldn’t stand for these changes. They also tried to restructure our jobs by consolidating responsibilities and lowering pay - which are large changes that impact our livelihoods as workers.


Starting a union at PetSmart can prevent the company from doing something like this again, because once we organize our stores, the company will be required to negotiate with us over any changes to pay or working conditions.


This means that having a union gives us the respect and protection we deserve!



Higher Standards Across the Board


Ever since PetSmart was bought out by BC Partners in 2015, we’ve seen the way that the desire for profit has gotten in the way of our needs and the needs of the pets we care for. 


With a union, we’ll be able to forge a better PetSmart for workers and pets alike. We won’t let BC Partners’ focus on profits impact our standards and our love for what we do. 

Unionize Your Petsmart

Unionize Your Petsmart.

Fill out the form below to get in contact with a Petsmart Union organizer! We'll help you take the next steps to unionize your store.

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Petsmart Union Resources

As you prepare for your first conversation with a Petsmart organizer, check out our resource library for literature and tools that will help you and your coworkers win your union!

Union 101 Videos

All Videos
How to Map Your Workplace | Union 101

How to Map Your Workplace | Union 101

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How to Start a Union | by UFCW

How to Start a Union | by UFCW

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Workplace Mapping Tool

One of the most important first steps in starting a union at your PetSmart store will be “mapping out” your entire workplace! 


In your workplace map, you can include how long each of your coworkers has been working at your store, what their role is, how likely you think they are to be supportive of a union, and more! Then, you take your workplace map and start updating it with what you learn from your conversations.


Click on the document below for a template of how to lay out your workplace map. Make your own copy of it, share it with your coworkers, and get started on mapping out your own store!

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